Tread Carefully at the California Cactarium

The Morten Botanical Garden and Cactarium, in Palm Springs, evokes dreamy backyards and iconic California ‘scapes. On our sunny afternoon visit, we tread carefully, because a woman is having a rounded cacti piece pried out of her hand upon our arrival – a jumping churro. Our eyes and cameras lead us to the blooming flowers of yellow and magenta, not to mention the purple cacti. The hill of mounded yellow barrel cacti – and the greenhouse of rare succulents – are often Instagrmmed, rightly so. Snaking, upside down, spidery moss overhead… the slightly hot, humid claustrophobic  room would seemingly come alive when the humans sleep. The garden, small, but well-curated, includes cacti you can call you own — and mating turtles — that you cannot.